About Inspire_Me

So many opportunities to be inspired in this little world we call second life.   I have always been fascinated with virtual worlds and when I stumbled upon Second Life I was in awe.

The  talent in world is off the charts and I have always struggled trying to find my “SL Purpose”.  I don’t have the patience to be a creator, I’m not a master at Photoshop, I don’t own a virtual club, I can’t make a gesture to save my life
and I sure as hell can’t build a damn thing. What I do very, very well (just like my real life unfortunately) is SHOP! So what better way to show off my virtual “talent” then to blog the things I love.

Just like a fresh pair of  RL Manolo’s , I will love your virtual shoes like they were the best things to grace my slink mid high feet!

I am hoping this blog will become a mixture of fashion, fun, shopping, reviews, events, pretty places and whatever else I just feel like discussing. All of this is a huge learning experience for me and I am excited to give it a whirl.

I don’t have an official review policy and I don’t solicit random items from creators, but please bear in mind that while review copies are always greatly appreciated, I’m only going to blog things that I like or that fit with my style.
If you have crazy over the top rules and regulations that prevent this from being a fun experience, then I am most likely not the blogger you are looking for.

For most images I use Photoshop but I am finding more and more (thanks to my kick ass graphics card) that my raw images don’t need much editing. I like that because sometimes RAW is oh so good!

Feel free to contact me in world as Inspiremeannie Resident.
You can view my Flickr, add me on Facebook, Plurk, or email me at inspire_me@outlook.com

xoxox, Inspire_Me